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Showing posts from April, 2024

Version Conflict: How To Receive God's Mercies At All Times

Isa 54:7 7 For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee. The mercies of God are SURE Isa55:3 3Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. The mercies of God are ABUNDANT 1Pet1:3 3Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, The mercies of God are described as TENDER Psalm 25:6 6 Remember, O LORD, thy tender mercies and thy loving kindnesses; for they have been ever of old. The mercies of God are NEW every morning. Lam3:22-23 22 It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not. 23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. What gives meaning to life is the mercy of God. God decided to break protocol for certain people in the Bible.  When mercy is at work you

How To Receive God's Mercies At All Times

Isa 54:7 7 For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee. The mercies of God are SURE Isa55:3 3Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. The mercies of God are ABUNDANT 1Pet1:3 3Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, The mercies of God are described as TENDER Psalm 25:6 6 Remember, O LORD, thy tender mercies and thy loving kindnesses; for they have been ever of old. The mercies of God are NEW every morning. Lam3:22-23 22 It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not. 23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. What gives meaning to life is the mercy of God. God decided to break protocol for certain people in the Bible.  When mercy is at work you


Kathryn Kuhlman’s Prayer Life When asked about her prayer life she replied, “I pray all the time because if I limited the Holy Spirit to a certain number of hours a day, I would be in danger of using Him for my own purpose. If, for instance, I spent one hour a day in prayer, I would expect the Holy Spirit to reward me for that hour. I would begin to feel that it was that hour in prayer that caused the “anointing” in the meeting. No, I cannot use the Holy Spirit in that way. I must practice His presence all of the time.”  Kathryn Kuhlman manifested the power of the Holy Spirit wherever she went. No matter how large or small a building was, the sinner or saint always knew when Miss Kuhlman entered the building because the whole atmosphere seemed to change. Her life was a commitment to PRAYER. Traveling constantly, she prayed continuously. Before her meetings, her staff relates that Miss Kuhlman could be seen "pacing back and forth, head up, head down, arms flung into the air, hands

Lessons To Be Learnt From Obstacles

Your perspective about your life is key to overcoming obstacles. If you will keep a heavenly perspective instead of an earthly one, when troubles come your way, you will breeze through those difficulties.  No, obstacles are not fun.  No, you would rather not deal with them, but God uses them for your good. Obstacles are keys to the development of your character, that Christ needs you to have for the purpose for which He created you.  It produces maturity, perseverance, and patience. So, what is a heavenly perspective? It’s knowing that it is God’s obligation to get you to where He needs you to be.  If He can create the entire Universe, He will get you to your intended destination.  God's promises stand forever and they do not expire. Whatever He has promised you, you will receive in His timing.  Keep in mind, that His timing includes your spiritual development. You can’t sit on the couch watching TV or scrolling through social media and expect to get up a stronger Christian. You mu

What To Do When You Are Down

I believe that everyone has “down moments” where you feel unloved and less than. You feel you will never be good enough and that God has forgotten you. You have thoughts of “why try, why go on, it’s just too hard.”  But these are moments when you must pull yourself out of that mindset. This is when you must get into God’s Word and remind yourself of what the Lord says about you. One of my favourite scriptures I go to for moments like this is Isaiah 43:1. I place myself in that scripture and I speak it out loud to remind myself that the enemy has no hold on me.       ‘But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Nina-Rita, and He that formed thee, O Woman of God, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine!’ (Isaiah 43:1) That feels good, but I didn’t stop there. I keep reading because the next scripture gets even better, it reminds me when trials come, the Lord is with me and He will never leave me.       ‘When thou passest through the waters N

How To Never Get Overwhelmed

I’m wearing too many hats. I have too many balls in the air. There is too much on my plate. All of these expressions resonate with an overwhelmed heart. We feel like there is so much to do, yet so little time or resources to do them, and it’s so defeating. Being overwhelmed sucks the life out of us. Yet, even overwhelm isn’t powerful enough to keep God from speaking to us.  Does it make it more difficult to hear Him? Yes. But that doesn’t mean He isn’t saying exactly what we need to hear. God whispers to our overwhelmed hearts. He comes in close, bringing His love near, and whispers His truth.  He says to us: Cast your anxieties on me, child, because I care for you. If you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, I can give you rest. My burden is light. I am your fortress, your refuge, and your deliverer.  I will strengthen you, my child. And I will renew your strength. My presence will go with you into every circumstance you walk in. Let these words sink in deep in our

The Art of Loving One Another

"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples if ye have love one to another" John 13:34,35. "Love works no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law" Romans 13:10. "Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and His love is perfected in us" I John 4:11,12. In the word of Micah, in the previous section, righteousness is the first thing which God demands. To love mercy is the second. Righteousness stood more in the foreground in the Old Testament. Love is first seen as supreme in the New Testament. Passages to this effect are not difficult to find. In the advent of Jesus, the love of God is first revealed, the new, eternal life is first given, and we become children of the Father and kindred to each other. On this ground the Lord can then, for the firs

How to Operate an Excavator - Best Video and Description : Pre-Op to Shut Down | Heavy Equipment

Driving Excavator is about knowing how to use your two joysticks.  The right joy stick is for the boon and bucket. You move the right joystick to the far right to open the bucket, move it to the left side to curl the bucket, move it forward to move the boon forward and move it backward to move the boon backward. The left joystick is for the stick (arm) and turning of the cab (cabin). Shift it forward to raise it forward and shift it backwards to move the stick backward. Move the left joystick left to turn the entire cabin left and right to turn the cabin right. Use the feet pedal to move forward or backward or push the two staring stick at same time forward to move forward and backward to move backward. Turn the left staring stick forward to turn left and right staring stick to turn left. To stop, release the foot pedal or staring stick. Use the combinations of the joysticks to dig, collapse and make trenches or holes. Practice, Practice, Practice and you become an expert in no time. 

How To Love People

"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples if ye have love one to another" John 13:34,35. "Love works no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law" Romans 13:10. "Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and His love is perfected in us" I John 4:11,12. In the word of Micah, in the previous section, righteousness is the first thing which God demands. To love mercy is the second. Righteousness stood more in the foreground in the Old Testament. Love is first seen as supreme in the New Testament. Passages to this effect are not difficult to find. In the advent of Jesus, the love of God is first revealed, the new, eternal life is first given, and we become children of the Father and kindred to each other. On this ground the Lord can then, for the firs

How To Be Not Too Busy For God

Life can be overwhelming with so many things to juggle like family, work, church, ministry, and sports. Finding a balance is often a challenge, especially when we allow others to place demands on our time. Even when God calls us to spend time with Him in the Secret Place, we give excuses because we're too busy. We end up giving God the leftovers of our energy and attention, resulting in shallow and unfulfilling prayers.  It can be hard to say "no" to good church activities or other requests, but we must realize that we can't be a "Wonder Woman or Man" and do everything. Saying "yes" to every request will only lead to exhaustion and burnout, leaving us unable to give our best when God calls us to do something.  Jesus is not a source of exhaustion, but rather, He is our rest and peace in times of trouble. He invites us to come to Him and find rest for our souls. Simply reciting quick five-minute prayers won't take us deeper with God. Instead, we


✍️ Ivory Coast lost two out of three group matches but still got to the final. They had a second chance and took it seriously. Don't play with the second chance life gives you. Don't give up on yourself! ✍️ Ivory Coast were beaten 4-0 by Equatorial Guinea, yet they bounced back to the final while Equatorial Guinea got eliminated. Don't write anyone off. You won today, but it doesn't mean you are the best. Don't look down on the person you defeated yesterday! ✍️ Ivory Coast mobilized support for Morocco to beat Zambia so that they can qualify. Some of those clapping for you now and supporting you may not be your real friends. They may just be using your success for their gain. Morocco went home after helping Ivory Coast to qualify for the final. Don't let anyone use you for any gain that doesn't benefit you. ✍️ South African goalkeeper stopped 4 penalties against Cape Verde, and we're so confident. They wanted the match against Nigeria to end in penalties

How To Deal With Offense

I hate offence. It is the bait of Satan.  So many in our society are offended at every turn. There is such a thing as a spirit of offence. Jesus warns us of this offence in Luke‬ ‭17:1-2‬. “Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck.” It is hard enough when offense comes from people who live in the world, but it is one of the hardest things to overcome when it comes from another Christian. It hurts to the core. It gives a place for the enemy to begin whispering lies into your ear. If you are not prayed up and ready to combat those lies from the enemy, then you will begin to believe them. Once you believe them, you become disheartened, and at times, you will wonder why you even try. When that attitude is prevalent, the enemy comes in stronger and makes you want to just give up. I have felt like this.  No one is perfect, except Jesus, and this s

Understanding Holiness

Holiness is a condition of the heart that is birthed in the Secret Place. It is not just a dress code or legalistic set of rules to follow, but a way of being that is focused on following Jesus and doing what is right in the sight of the Lord. As we seek Jesus, read His Word, and follow His ways, we become more like Him and grow in holiness. The journey towards holiness is a climb up a mountain, where we gain new perspectives and see the world differently. We become more kingdom-minded, focused on eternal values, and are less interested in the temporary things of this world. We are strengthened in areas where we were once weak and become energized for more of God. The higher we climb, the more we experience the freedom of God. We are no longer bound by the things of this world, but are free to live in the ways of Jesus. We are filled with a deep contentment that cannot be found in the pursuits of this world, and we are able to see the nonsense that others are pursuing without being aff

Story : The Blind Man and the Lantern

I remember reading of a blind man who was found sitting at the corner of a street in a great city with a lantern beside him. Someone went up to him and asked what he had the lantern there for, seeing that he was blind, and the light was the same to him as the darkness.  The blind man replied: “I have it so that no one may stumble over me.” Dear friends, let us think of that. Where one man reads the Bible, a hundred read you and me.  That is what Paul meant when he said we were to be living epistles of Christ, “known and read of all men.” I would not give much for all that can be done by sermons if we do not preach Christ by our lives. If we do not commend the Gospel to people by our Holy walk and conversation, we shall not win them to Christ.  “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 “You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all.”  2 Cor


When you don’t see yourself the way God sees you, you see a distorted view of yourself–like looking in a funhouse mirror. The longer you see yourself this way, it lowers your confidence and then you actually start to lose clarity about who you really are. And this causes you to second guess yourself and lose clarity about the path of your purpose as well. If you believe you’re not capable of carrying out your calling–that your purpose isn’t possible–you lose hope in living out God’s vision for your life. And then you’re more likely to make decisions based on the worldly point of view. And this ultimately keeps you holding back from fulfilling God’s plan for your life and living with the fulfillment He intended. Without clarity and confidence about your identity in Christ, you lose clarity and confidence about your purpose and…  *STOP SEEKING* before you discover your purpose  *STOP PREPARING* before you step into your purpose  *STOP WALKING* in it before you fulfill your purpose  _*In


You live in a physical body in a physical world, but…  You’re really a citizen of heaven (Philippians 3:20a) and… – a co-heir with Christ (Romans 8:16-17a)… – with the same power at work within you that raised Him from the dead and seated him in heavenly realms (Ephesians 1:19-21, 2:6). You can approach God with freedom and confidence (Ephesians 3:12)… – knowing that nothing can separate you from His love and (Romans 8:38-39)… – that His power has given you everything you need for a godly life (2 Peter 1:3). What spiritual aspects of your identity do you need to fully embrace? By fully receiving God’s love for you and fully accessing His power available to you, you become empowered to grow into the fullness of who He created you to be.  _Here are some practical aspects of your identity in Christ:_   *You are specially designed by God (Psalm 139:13-14)… – with a unique blend of gifts, strengths, and passions and… (Ephesians 4:4-7) – God had a special purpose in mind He made you to carry

How Do You Define Yourself?

Imagine you’re looking in the mirror. How do you answer the question, “Who am I?” How do you see yourself? Listen…to your thoughts. What do you hear? Is it one of these common thoughts that whisper to many women/men in midlife and beyond? “I’m not good enough…There’s nothing special about me…I’m too old…I’m too afraid…I’ll probably just fail again.” Maybe the words you hear are different, but many hear whispers that reflect a negative self-image rather than the image God wants them to see of themselves. Even as a Christian woman or man in the midlife years and beyond, when you’ve internalized so many negative messages over the years from other people, the world around you, or even your own thoughts, these self-limiting beliefs can become the default in your mind–louder than the voice of God telling you otherwise. And when you’re listening to these thoughts daily, finding your identity in Christ–truly in Christ alone–can be difficult. But you might be thinking that you’re saved and you’

Understanding Your Purpose and Direction (V)

“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” ~John 15:4-5 NIV And as we take steps to pursue our special calling in life. we will have to remain intimately connected with Father, Son, and Spirit in order to bear the fruits that we are intended to in our lives and the lives of others. We may bear some fruits on our own, but it may not be the type or amount of fruits that God meant for us, so to truly accomplish His purposes, we must be in relationship and communication with Jesus and be led by the Spirit. Of course, there are times we will step out on faith without having clear confirmation of direction, but if we are connected to our Source, then we will receive guidance and course correction as needed. And prayers for purpose and God’s direction

Understanding Your Purpose and Direction (IV)

“You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” ~James 4:2b-3 NIV_  We may tend to think that if God has a purpose for us, then it should just fall into our laps and doors should open without effort from us. But since God is the source of our purpose, we are partners with Him in carrying out our purpose, and He also provides for our needs, so it is necessary for us to come to Him in prayer for His revelation, wisdom, and provision. Prayers for purpose are by nature going to be focused on God’s will and not your own–unless you have aligned your will with His. So if your core motives are to achieve personal success, recognition, financial prosperity, or other self or worldly-focused benefits (though these could possibly come along with walking in your purpose depending on what you are doing), this may possibly hinder the revelation of, provision for and fulfilment of you

Understanding Your Purpose and Direction (II)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ~Philippians 4:6–7 NIV As a woman or man in midlife, you may be eager to figure out what direction you should take in focusing your time and energy in, this season. But we must be patient because our purpose is usually revealed in parts and may not be revealed to us right away. You may be led in a certain direction, but not yet know the significance of it to your future calling. You may or may not have an idea of what your purpose might be based on experiences or exploration earlier in life. But it’s ok.  God sees you and hears you and knows right where you are. And He will give you direction in your life that navigates you toward your purpose even if you are not clear on it yet. You may be in a period of preparation spiritually, personally, or e


As people of faith, we pray about many things in life for ourselves, for our loved ones, for the world, and even our “enemies”.  But in all of my years of gathering with people to pray, I can hardly count the number of times I heard someone asking for prayers for their purpose. Your purpose is not just a pie-in-the-sky dream that you maybe could ponder on if you have time or inspiration.  Your God-given purpose is a real, pre-planned, personalized calling that God has specifically designed for you to impact the world and glorify His name based on how He made you. So it is our spiritual responsibility as believers to be listening, looking, and sensing what is being revealed to us about our purpose through God and by observing ourselves and our lives.  Fulfilling our God-given purpose is not only a service to other people, but we also reap benefits in our own lives from the inside and out when we begin to pursue our calling.  God desires for you to desire to fulfil your purpose–His purpo

Why God Is Always Watching Us?

As I was doing some reading yesterday, I came across this passage again; in the message Bible version ....I kind of like it better. You’ve kept track of my every toss and turn through the sleepless nights, Each tear entered in your ledger, each ache written in your book. Psalm 56:8  Tears filled my eyes as I thought about these words. We have a God who keeps track of us losing sleep. When we are tossing and turning at night, He is with us, feeling our restlessness and worry.  Even on our darkest nights, we aren't alone.  A God who catches each tear we’ve cried. Not only is He with us, but He is close. He is in our pain with us, He feels what we do, too.  A God who has documented each ache we’ve felt. He doesn't brush our pain aside or pretend it didn't happen. He remembers it forever.  It’s easy to wonder whether or not God cares... He cares more than we could even fathom. He keeps track of our pain and holds it in his own hands because He loves us so much. None of it goes

What You Must Possess Before God Can Use You

Before God can use you effectively as an intercessor or a prophetic voice, one of the things He deals with is your eye. He deals with the way you look at people. How you handle their mess, their mistakes, their flaws, their sins, their weaknesses, and their nakedness.  Because for you to stand in the gap for other people in the courts of heaven or before the Throne of God and plead for their cause, you must be full of compassion, mercy, and love, just as Christ Jesus was tempted in every way that we are, yet without sin, and became the Man of Sorrows, acquainted with grief so that He can now be an effective High Priest who understands and identifies with our weaknesses.   So He has to remove the critical, finger-pointing eye. And many times, He does it by breaking you. Over and over again. He turns your eyes inward so that you see yourself as you really are. He focuses your eyes on the planks of wood in them, so that you can realize that what is in the eyes of others is just a tiny, l

How To Avoid Distractions

I completely understand that having a quiet time with God can be challenging, especially with so many distractions around us. It's no surprise that "distraction" is the number one response when people are asked what they find hardest about having/keeping/beginning a quiet time with God. Even I would say the same thing. In today's world, multitasking has become a norm, and with so many windows open on our phones, tablets, and computers, it's no wonder our brains try to do the same thing. It's challenging to focus on one thing, and there are definitely days when distractions win our attention and the whole day. But let me tell you about a woman named Martha, who also had this problem. She didn't have any electronics, but she had many household responsibilities. She was also distracted in the Lord's presence. Luke tells her story at the end of chapter 10. Martha invited the Lord into her home for dinner, and she wanted the evening to be special, with a lo

How To Understand Bible Verses

There are things I love to do while walking through God's Word, verse by verse:  -cross-reference  -compare translations  -verse map    There are times we use many of these and other times we just read and underline, read and pray, or read, reread, and wait. That's, reread, and wait.  While there are many reading plans that map out something different to read each day (we've used them and created them), there isn't a rule that says you cannot proceed at your own pace.  If you read a passage and have trouble understanding, read it again.  Pause until the Spirit moves you forward. Come back to same verses as often as you need to.  Do you ask questions when you study the scriptures?  Are there tools that you love to use?  Do you mind sharing one in the comments? Today's action plan:  Read 1 Peter 1:3-9; use the question list pictured above as you reflect on what you have read. #divinelyinspired #versebyverse #quiettime #scripture

Version Conflict: How To Guide Your Words

And I heard the Lord saying, “For your tongue to carry My Voice and the fullness of My authority, it must also carry My Purity. This is why I am calling you to dedicate your tongue and the words of your mouth FULLY to Me.  You can no longer afford to speak idle words, gossip, too much talk, lie, engage in obscene talk, jesting, coarse jokes, speak without taking time to think and process what you're about to say, or engage in flattery, boasting, backbiting, speaking in anger, complaining and grumbling about people and situations, talebearing, cursing, insulting people, arguing and quarreling... Your tongue needs to carry My character before it can carry My Power and before it can carry out My assignments in the fullness of My authority. Continue to dedicate your mouth, your tongue, and your lips to Me. Then your tongue will become a gateway for Me to release My Sound and My Words will be your words. Then, when you decree a thing, it shall be established for you.” Psalm 19:14 Let t

How To Maintain The Spirit of Togetherness

A quote from one of my favorite writers...CHINUA ACHEBE “A man who calls his kinsmen to a feast does not do so to redeem them from starving. They all have food in their own houses. When we gather in the moonlight at village ground, it is not because of the moon. Every man can see it in his own compound. We come together because it is good for kinsmen to do so. Therefore let us continue with the team spirit and enjoy the power of togetherness. Let's smile not because we don't have problems but because we are stronger than the problems....” *Alone I can smile but together we can laugh* *Alone I can enjoy but together we can celebrate* *Alone I can talk but together we can speak* Let's promote things that unite us more than things that cause disunity *Unity is Great Strength* Everyone is important according to their own unique purpose. *Never look down on anybody unless you are admiring their shoes* Have a good night rest...

How To Guide Your Words

And I heard the Lord saying, “For your tongue to carry My Voice and the fullness of My authority, it must also carry My Purity. This is why I am calling you to dedicate your tongue and the words of your mouth FULLY to Me.  You can no longer afford to speak idle words, gossip, too much talk, lie, engage in obscene talk, jesting, coarse jokes, speak without taking time to think and process what you're about to say, or engage in flattery, boasting, backbiting, speaking in anger, complaining and grumbling about people and situations, talebearing, cursing, insulting people, arguing and quarreling... Your tongue needs to carry My character before it can carry My Power and before it can carry out My assignments in the fullness of My authority. Continue to dedicate your mouth, your tongue, and your lips to Me. Then your tongue will become a gateway for Me to release My Sound and My Words will be your words. Then, when you decree a thing, it shall be established for you.” Psalm 19:14 Let t

How Do You Spend Your Quiet Time

Now what? You've selected a time, determined a reading plan, and prepared a space, now what do you do in your quiet time?  First, allow us to say this again... everyone may look different. But, we also know that there are many people who really want to know what to do. The short synapsis: spend time reading God's Word and pray as you read.  Here are my "4R Technique" as a guide:  R E S T Carve out time to read God's word each day. Dig deep. Ask God to speak to you through His word. Take notes and journal your thoughts as you read. This rest is purposeful time set aside to linger in God's word. R E L E A S E Be honest with yourself and God. Release your worries, your anxieties, and yes, your control. Ask God to intervene. Confess your shortcomings. To release means to let go.  Be encouraged that when we let go of something, we open a room for God to work! R E V E A L Reveal is less about what we do and more about what God is able to do because we have taken tim

How do I know what to read in The Bible?

One of the most common questions we receive is "How do I know what to read in The Bible?"  We understand.  Whether you are new to the study of God's Word or not, you likely will find yourself in seasons of not knowing what to read.  The good news is that there are many ways to approach developing or selecting a reading plan. Most important is being intentional to open your Bible.  Note that we said, "developing or selecting a reading plan." You may choose to chart your own course, or you may enjoy selecting one that is already prepared. Whichever you choose, invite God to guide your decision.  Three ideas to help you develop your own plan:  -Consider reading a book of the Bible that you haven't read before or haven't explored often. Open your Bible to the table of contents and choose a book. Find out how many chapters (or verses) are in the book. Divide the reading into manageable portions. This may mean a chapter a day, but it could also be a verse a da

How do I make space for a quiet time?

What are my steps? and better yet, how do I find time in my busy schedule?  Years ago, someone introduced these words to me, "white space for Jesus".   They got my attention.  I have a hard time looking at a calendar now without thinking about these four simple words. Just like we schedule our hair appointments, lunch dates, business meetings, and our children's play dates, we can block off time in our day to read our Bible and pray.  The first step to making space for a quiet time is scheduling a time.  Many will advise that the first moments of your day be used for quiet time. This time may work for many, but not all. Some people are just not ready first thing in the morning, while others may find that if they miss this first opportunity it is hard to find another time in their day.   The point?  Schedule a time and keep the appointment. If you try the first morning moments for a few days or weeks and always feel like you are unable to think during this time, adjust.  A

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*Written By Dr Laide Okubena* Happy New Month , Welcome To the New Month of March.  Hopefully it is Your March into Greatness into the 3rd Month of The Year. Imagine yourself 5 years from now in your business: Your team is flourishing. You have completely SMASHED the Sales Goals. You're financially independent. You have complete time freedom to pursue your passions and travel for vacations around the world. You are living your dream life and overcome inflation and dollar prices increases. Now, stop imagining. If you want this to be your reality, take DELIBERATE action.  One of the biggest issues that they face is the difficulty in getting more customers. The main problem when it comes to getting more customers is that some have to rely on their own efforts in order to find them. Set a schedule , a system for your business activities and stick to it. Consistently reach out to prospects, follow up with leads, and provide value to your team and also current customers. Over time, yo


7 Ultimate Exercises That Will Transform Your Body

Looking for some effective ways to transform your body? There are a few great exercises that will help you to reach your fitness goal. These exercises are easy but effective in strengthening your body along with burning unwanted calories. However, sticking to these exercises is not enough to transform your body, you should also eat healthy and get enough sleep regularly. Don’t waste your precious time doing other workouts, here are seven exercises that will help you transform your body in no time. 1. Jumping rope When was the last time you jumped rope? Perhaps in your childhood. Jumping rope is a cheap and easily portable exercise that you can do almost anywhere. This workout burns more calories per minute than any other workout. Get jumping for a perfect exercise and plenty of fun. One of the best things about jumping rope is that you can do it with your kids. Moreover, jumping rope is a fantastic way to fit in a highly effective cardio session when you are on the go. Simply tos


These days cultism is gradually becoming a normal thing in the society. And sometimes its is difficult to tell if someone is a cultist or not. And most cultist will trade off their bad character and act like a very normal person. Well with the slangs below, you'll be able to tell if your son, daughter, friend or the people around you are cultist and if your life is in danger. The first slang on the list is: 1. Jew or 48 This means that someone is not a member of any confraternity. This is use to describe someone that's not a cultist. Example: My roommate is a Jew Or my roommate na 48. 2. In Jew This means that a person or someone is a member of another confraternity. 3. Bella Bella can mean many things to the ladies but most especially in campus, when they say a girl is a Bella it means she's a female member of a specific cult. (Name of cult withheld for personal reasons) 4. Sticker You should be very attentive because most cultist use words that you'll think doesn'


As I’ve gotten older, those vertical ridges on my nails seem to be getting more and more prominent. That’s when I decided to do some research to see if those ridges meant anything about my health, and if there was anything I could do to get rid of them. What They Mean About Your Health After a lot of research, I did find that there is a small, rare possibility that those ridges can mean an underlying medical condition or possibly even nail trauma. But for most of us, it’s completely normal as we age to see them getting more noticeable, especially if you have dry skin or skin conditions such as eczema. I’m 36, and they’ve only recently started bothering me, but I’m relieved to find that they are most likely harmless. I’m just getting old. But Why Are They There? They’re basically like wrinkles of the nails! As we age, the nail matrix gradually starts to lose it’s effectiveness in some areas, causing your nails to grow out uneven, resulting in what we see as lines or ridges that run from


Subject: MATHEMATICS                        Topic: CAPACITY  MEASUREMENT                      Monday   Define capacity measure Convert units of capacity measures Resources  Inside out  Learn   mathematics Book 6, pages   47 containers, buckets, Gallon, bottles.     INTRODUCTION TO CAPACITY MEASURES  The quantity of liquid a container can hold is known as capacity of the container. For example the amount of water a keg or gallon can hold is the capacity of the keg.  CONVERSION OF UNITS OF CAPACITY There are various units for measuring the capacity or volume of liquid. The basic ones are the liters (l) and the Milliliter (ml).  Great capacities are measured in liters while small capacities are measure in cubic centimeter (cm³) or milliliters TABLE OF CAPACITY MEASURES 10 milliliters (ml) = 1 centiliter (cl)  10 cl = 1 deciliter (dl)  10 dl = 1 liter (l)  1000 ml = 1 liter 100 cl = 1 liter 1000 l = 1 kiloliter (kl)  STARTER Beg


Monday   Meaning of Discount  Finding cost and cash price on discounted goods Resources  Inside out  Learn   mathematics Book 6, page  125  items like; currency note Milo, biscuits, books, pencils, school bag   Meaning of Discount Discount is a reduction in the price of an article. It is often a certain percentage of the actual price of the article. Examples 1. A table clock cost $200, and a 10% discount is given for paying cash. What is the cash price? Solution The discount = 10% of $200 =   10     x 200= 20 100 So Cash price = original price – discount                                                             Amount   =    $200 –  $20 = $180  2. The selling price of a shirt is $900. The trader gives 5% discount for cash. How much is the buyer paying. Solution The discount = 5% of $900 = $45 So Cash price = original price – discount amount                         = $900 – $45 = $855 Begin the lesson by showing them an image of a market where buying and selling is taking place, then