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How to Operate a Wheel Loader - Best Comprehensive Video

everyone in this training video we're gonna do a complete overview of our wheel loader training program so on our
YouTube channel we do have this broken into segments but what we've had requests for is to put this into one
longer format where we'll cover all the different components so check this out
okay so in this video we're gonna break this training down into four different segments the first one is gonna be the
pre-op inspection the second will be the basic controls or I like to call it the 101 training the third piece will be our
more advanced skills or 201 training and then the fourth is going to be parking or shutting down of the equipment at the
end of the day so again we're gonna cover all four of those in this one longer video okay so the first part is
Pre-Op Inspection
the pre-op inspection now this is probably the most important piece it's an often overlooked but I definitely
need to do a pre-op inspection every time before you operate any piece of equipment now today we're using our Komatsu wheel loader we're gonna try and
do these trainings we do a little bit generic and the fact that most of this is gonna apply to any wheel loader with
that said we always recommend checking the manual they're always going to have specific checklists operating procedures
things for whatever brand of equipment you're using the final piece I tell people while pre-ops are really
important I think they're overlooked I'm also not a diesel mechanic and nor are you I think a lot of new operators are
intimidated by a pre op because they don't know what they're looking at that's fine just understand that you
don't have to be a diesel mechanic a lot of the way we do these is just it's if it doesn't look right that's something
you need to look into further but you do need to know the basics on your machine so again can't stress that enough okay
so for the pre-op inspection everyone's got a different way they do theirs and it doesn't really there's no right or
wrong if you've seen my other videos I'm pretty consistent the way I do it no matter what piece of equipment so I recommend finding a rhythm or system
that works for you and following it for my pre-op inspections I first I do a general walk-around that's high level
looking big picture just seeing if something doesn't look right the second piece is compartments that from actually opening the compartment
doors checking fluids other pieces like that and the third and final piece is in the operators seat basically getting
inside the cab and doing my final checks now for the general walk around again this is where I when I talk about not
being mechanic you can generally look at something and just say that that might not look right and that's the time where
you might get a service tech or someone else to look at it I always start I do mine counterclockwise I try and be
consistent with that again it's if you get in a certain rhythm it won't matter what piece of equipment and I start on the driver's side or at least the
operator's usually the left side of the cab is usually what I'll do now looking at our Komatsu loader I'm starting kind
of top to bottom you know left to right kind of so again just looking up at the cab some of the basics we overlook you
know like the lights our windows is there any cracks damaged anything like that and then coming down here I'm
looking at my tires so for your tires on there you're just looking at if there's too much wear on them if they're worn
down if you're looking any big gashes and I've seen it before we're actually if you're depending what you're driving on there might be you know pieces of
rebar or something you might have something lodged in there so you might have damage to the tire that you can't even tell so you're looking all the way
around tire and then overall you're looking at inflation does it look like it's inflated appropriately and then is it secure or all the bolts they're
attached coming over to the center now same thing this is probably you know
it's one of the mostly everything for the wheel loaders packed in there tight where you can't see it this center point
is kind of the one where the articulation is where you can see all the hoses and everything like that so I'm looking through there I'm looking at
that kind of ball joint that connects it the two halves there and then I'm looking through it all my hoses seeing
if there's any damage if I see anything leaking you know grease on this grease joint anything
that just doesn't look right that's where you want to I can look into here and see the main some of the panels
there for all the hydraulics so seeing if anything looks abnormal my washer fluid right here you can flip this up
and look in there they also have a sight glass on the outside to check that our transfer case they're kind of
transmission fluid for the Komatsu is actually you reach in there's a little cap pull that off I can pull the stick
out making sure that I'm at the appropriate level there this is our
cabin filter anything that normally has a keyed lock on it are usually like air filters things like
that we won't necessarily check those daily I usually do that in a weekly but you could open that check your air filter out canady when you come down
same thing on the back tire look into anywhere anything that sticks out as abnormal on it and then also basically
secure is it secured all the bolts on there and then continuing looking back on any damage or anything that sticks
out to me on the underside of it will continue around the back now in the rear
of the wheel loader again starting top to bottom looking up got your exhaust stack up there it's kind of tough to see
from the rear you're looking at sides too but I'm looking up there any damage the exhausts act the glass and they're all my lights and everything are intact
in the back here seeing if there's any obvious damage any of my taillights and then this is a point to where you always
try and look under the machine you know this is where and honestly from the other side to I was looking underneath you're always looking underneath the
wheel there's a little bit easier see then versus like a excavator or bulldozer but seeing if I see any leaking it's the same concept as pulling
out your car to the garage I've seen an oil stain on there if I see something I might want to look into it everything looks intact there so then on the
passenger side the right side of the machine similar-looking up top starting top to bottom looking down see if there's any damage anything obvious
tires are probably on your most important pieces on the wheel loader so any damage any gouges to the tire
anything like that checking that's properly inflated making sure all the bolts are on there and they look secure
on there coming to the center here same thing top to bottom looking up seeing if
anything stands out any obvious damage anything like that and then I'm able to look through the center point here on this side I already looked from the
other now I'm getting another angle at it looking at my hydraulic lines there are some grease joints in there making
sure it looks a greased appropriately and I don't see anything obvious that sticks out that might be damaged
continuing to the front same thing this tire and he gouges anything obvious any
obvious damage to it is the inflation look appropriate and then the bolts is
everything secure down there nothing's loose anything like that and then I'll continue to the front and then for the
from the machine again windshield everything top to bottom I'm looking up headlights things like that like I
actually see on this I have a turn signal it looks like damage on the right side there so things like that you're gonna want to note if you see anything
I'm looking in the center this is where I'm looking at the hydraulic cylinder
for hydraulic cylinders you're really just looking if I see anything around where that the seal is a lot of times
it'll show as you might see dust dirt stuff like that that's where if the oil might be leaking you might have things
sticking to it so I'd look to see if anything looks damaged there I'm see all my hydraulic lines I'm looking at the
back of the bucket where it attaches we've got a quick attach on this so I do have pins in there as well but I'm
making sure that all the connections look secure all the anywhere where I might have a joint making sure it looks
secure there I'm then coming around the front and then on the tool on the bucket up front no matter what you have on
there you're looking at the cutting edge on the wheel loader seeing if there's excessive wear those can be taken off
and replaced if needed but you're also making sure it's secure so there's bolts all the way down or on there make sure
the bolts lock all on there and secure see if there's any damage anything obvious on the on the bucket that might
need to be addressed or if we need to swap it and then I'm coming around this side same thing I'm looking behind
making sure the quick attach all the joints everything looks greased appropriately I don't see any leaks when
the hoses and then same thing when I'm going up you can see where our grease points are there but I'm making sure all
the pins everything looks secured in there there's nothing that's obvious that's sticking out and the same thing
on the front on this side I'm looking at my hydraulic cylinders on this side for the boom and don't see anything you can
also look a little bit underneath here to see if there's anything that might be sticking out from that side so that's
the complete walk-around of the machine second piece I do is compartments and again it's an opportunity to a second
pass around so I've already gone over so we have the windshield washer some of those are visual you can catch on that general walk around so I showed you that
and I already did pull the transfer case the transmission dipstick there because I didn't have to open a compartment but
some people would do that at that time but I'm gonna keep coming back again we talked about the air filter compartment it's the main one of the main engine
compartment flip that up so on this side I'm looking at my coolant level there's
a coolant reservoir there making sure that is full and then other than that on this side you're just looking to see if
there's any obvious damage any of the you know anything that might be a hose could be ruptured any of the wiring
anything it just doesn't look right it doesn't it you don't to be a mechanic to look at something to say it might not look right you can also see the back of
the radiator and some of the you're looking at some of those see if there's damage or anything like that in there and then we'll continue around the back
then continuing around the back in the bumper on the sides there is the battery
compartment so that's when you can flip up and then the radiator flips up I can
look at the fan on this side see if there's anything obvious any damage any of the hoses anything and then this will
go back I can see all of our rayar the cooling fins anything for the cooling system in there that if there's debris
anything in there or if there looks like there's damage that it's something I might need to address and overall if they're just code if they're really
dirty it might be something you need to clean off everything looks good here
then coming around the other side again this is that battery compartment they're kind of built into the back I call it
the bumper it's not necessarily a bumper but it looks like one these are on each side on the Komatsu so you flip it up
there's two batteries on here now again we don't do you're just making sure they're secure you know I would
recommend once a week or monthly at least checking to make sure there's no corrosion anything like that my main battery cutoff is right here so
making sure everything looks good there and then on this side again same thing
kinda I looked and now I'm looking at this side there's some other things I'm checking engine oil is right here I would pull that check the oil I'm
looking at my fuel filter and your this is where you're looking if there's any debris in that site glass water
something that you know sticks out you might wanna you're gonna have to drain that pull that out but right now
everything looks good on there in sight class and then I've got my air filter up there there is a debris she open that to see
if there's anything clogged in there if I were to open that and see a lot of dust or things come out I'm probably
gonna pull the entire air filter out typically we pull ours once a week or so and we'll actually pull those out
there's also an indicator so come on Stu has it'll basically tell you when you
need to change a filter there's a little spring that I can look and see the indicator right there make sure that
it's good after that any time I have the compartments open I am just looking over
all really glancing if I see any hoses that look like they're broken any belts
or anything like that that might be damaged wiring there's anything in it well usually if you look something
doesn't look right then you need to look into it further and then the hydraulic fuel or I'm sorry the hydraulic oil is
the indicator on the side of the machine so I can see it in the sight glass there to let me know I'm at the appropriate
level for that
and then finally on this side this has a deaf systemd a diesel exhaust so I'm
looking at that there is a sight glass I have in there along with my fill so making sure that's good and that's all
the compartments for it now we're gonna go into the cab so now that we did those two pieces the final part is getting in
the operator seat I always like to make sure first thing that doors always they lock and latch again on any piece of
equipment it's very important these are I've seen one too many people get hit in the back of the head if you don't latch these if wind hits them and then I'm
just making sure my steps everything is secured usually on the wheel loaders the bottom step is always kind of out of a
hard rubber that way if they goes over material it can move but I have seen these things get damaged they they're
fairly easy to replace but you want to make sure that bottom step is secure so make sure I've got all the three points
of contact to get all the way up and in
after I'm in the seat some of the basics checking I always check seat belt first so you'd make sure the seat belt works
latches in everything is good there and then I'm just gonna check all my control surfaces just make sure my joystick is
free of free range it's got movement everywhere I did the boot that is attaching it is there to keep that and
then everything else I want to make sure there's no obstruction to the brake pedals the the gas pedal anything like
that and then overall when I'm in here before I start this up I just like to look and see if there's any obvious damage that I
might have missed if there's broken glass anything like that that I might see after I do all that you'll then key
it on so with almost all of the newer equipment they're gonna go through a cycle really quick to see make sure the
system is ready to start so it's always a good indicator I looking at it no warnings at all and then I'll start it
after I start it you like to just give it 30 seconds to a minute this is your
fine my final check to if I sum doesn't sound right you know while I'm still with the door open if I see something or hear
something and I'm also looking at my indicator lights to see if anything comes up but then my final because to make sure
I've got a full tank nothing else said I'm prepared to work for the day I would
also most likely check lights other things like that again just to make sure I'm ready and that's the end of our
pre-op inspection
Basic Controls
okay now we're into our basic controls overview kind of our 101 training now
the first thing I'll start with if any of you are operators again I like to start at the very basic so this may be
just bear with me while I go through some of the controls we'll get into a little bit more advanced pieces on the next segment but I want to at least keep
it simple for new operators so again we're in a Komatsu wheel loader a lot of
the controls will be similar but each manufacturer may be a little bit different on the controls there so first
thing I got in again we always secure our cabs I like to have them enclosed just for safety and also dust control
things like that once you're in there making sure you put a seat belt on
and then just making sure the seat is comfortable to where you're at you know if you need to slide it forward just
make sure you're comfortable however that seized position now for our wheel
loader that we're going over it's a single joystick and then in steering wheel some of the larger loaders
nowadays will actually have just two joysticks which it just basically takes the driving and loses it to your left hand but I would say for the mid to
smaller size this is the more common configuration now what I'll do is I'll go over the basics here but understand
that you know there's always a little bit of variety and there's different things but I'll try and cover those while I'm going over this now for the
wheel loaders there's always a parking brake that you want to make sure so the moment I keyed it up I'm looking on the
dashboard there's a solid red PMI display so that means this thing's not going to move anywhere and then I'm the
Komatsu there's a red lever or a red switch over here for lockout for the joystick so the joystick won't do anything with that now with that said I
do like to tell people even it's running and parking brakes on this thing will still articulate for so for a safety
thing I tell people be careful when you're running the steering is not deactivated on them so now for us for
shifting I'm gonna go over the right joystick as the boom bucket but I also want talk about shifting there's two
different ways to do it there's a shifter on the side of the steering column and then you've also got a
trigger switch on your right and it's one or the other it's not both and usually like Komatsu has a switch on the
side your I can switch it for me either one now for a new operator I usually
recommend steering with one hand like I can do all my driving with my left I can do all my boom and bucket with my right
and that makes it simpler otherwise I think an expert you know usually will just use that shifter on the right but
then you have to overlap your hands a little bit so again we try and make this really simple now I'm gonna take that is
a lie I activated basically my joystick I'm gonna take the parking brake off now for their simple controls - for the feet
you know there's just it's a gas pedal and a brake pedal the Komatsu has two brakes service brakes connected usually
you can just use your right now if I start here with just my right joystick it's pretty simple right hand pull back
it's gonna raise the boom up now you'll see it's curling it away while I'm
raising it that's that Auto level feature which is exactly what he wanted to do if I didn't do that
that thing it curled it I could actually curl material over the back of it which
is not something you want to do so pull back like that now if I'm up high like this if I go right hand to the right it's gonna open the bucket and if I go
right hand to the left it will close the bucket and they will stop on their own
well they're all the way up there and then right hand forward is going to bring the boom down
now if you noticed and if your excavator operators you know a lot of equipment
crosses over so those controls right they're the exact same as a excavator
control pattern it's gonna be your right hand boom and bucket so the exact same so again they do start to overlap blow
it make it a little bit easier for you now driving position for a wheel loader generally you don't want to have this
all the way down if I was to lower this all the way down you will actually drag the underside the undercarriage of the
bucket and we're all a quick katachi everything like that so it's really not good you want to have it off the ground
usually a foot or so now on the other end of that you don't want to be too high because it was any higher I
wouldn't be able to see if I put this up here and I'm trying to drive with it I can't see
I'm blocking my line of sight so in general you want to have it down just so
that hydraulic cylinder for the boom I'm sorry for the bucket and the bucket itself is right below your dashboard so
I can see all the way over it the final piece we have new operators at least for
us we have the buckets curled all the way in that's usually not what most will do most are gonna have I'm gonna raise
it up just a little bit and you're gonna have the bucket uncurled almost flat to go in this does it give you a little bit
better better visibility plus any lower you can be to the ground the better so it's really a your preference as long as
you're down low you obviously don't want to have the bucket open now for new operators on our buckets we actually paint red lines on the corners just
because some people can't understand you can't see the blade but it is the top of every single bucket there's a kind of a
straight bar that's gonna be at the corners that is your blade angle so if you can see that that's what it's gonna
be down low so that's your right joystick now with your left is steering again this is how we steer it left or
right I think the biggest thing I tell people for new operators you know the tires don't actually turn
that's probably for someone driven driving a truck car we're used to the tires turning the tires don't turn on a
wheel loader the entire machine articulates the reason this can be important is you'll notice if I start
turning if I'm trying to go to the left my body is actually starts turning to the right so it can be a little bit
confusing people have been doing it for years you're we all get used to it but I tell people it takes a little bit of getting
used to initially the other thing I recommend is you'll get a lot of people driving like a car like ten and two
here's I'm like that very inefficient it's gonna you're gonna kill your shoulders cuz these turn a lot more than
car steering wheel would and additionally you're gonna want your right hand on that joystick to control
your boom bucket that's why they almost all wheelers will have this kind of little steering knob here and this way I
can just use my left hand I can just grab that thing I can go all the way one way and all the way the other so that's
generally how you want to steer now for our shifter we've got I'm using the
steering column one so there's forward neutral verse here that just flips through it and then I've got a speed
setting one two three and four right there that can rotate this that's our preferred for beginners that's a
preferred driving way to shift it again because it keeps everything left-hand is all your driving right hand is your
bowing bucket as you go further along you may desire to change that over and we'll go over that a little bit more in
the next advanced one now that I'm good there I'm gonna put it in forward and you'll notice these things really won't
move there's a service brake on them but typically because the hydraulics and
these things they're not gonna unless you're going down a hill that's probably about the only time you're going to need to use a brake pedal on these so I'm
gonna give it some a little bit of throttle here and I'm gonna go right towards this pile
now it's a scoop big thing here we don't you can't go in with your bucket curled
all the way up you obviously this is where we're looking at that blade angle you want to have those kind of lines horizontal to the ground
you also don't depending the material like right now we're I'm on the ground you generally we like to be scraping
right above it for a new operator I actually prefer to be about six inches to a foot off the ground because if I was if if you're gonna have an error or
oops I'd rather you be higher than lower lower means you either getting under that pile you're creating a huge divot
what not above is fine you'll have more material that someone else can scrape up later so it's always better to start
just a little bit higher if you need to now to get a full scoop now let's go in
here and kind of show a lot of new operators we'll go in and I'm in there right now I just curl the bucket curl it all the
way up now that is very inefficient you don't just go in and just curly it's not
gonna really load that bucket so I'm gonna raise this up and just dump this again as I pull back you see I'll raise
it up and then I'm actually gonna drive forward just a little bit so I get over the top here and then I go right hand to
the right to dump after we always dump the final piece again I recommend always
having it curled up most of the newer wheel loaders will have kind of a return to dig feature so like I'm the Komatsu
if I just take my right hand and just go like that it locks it to the left and it's gonna stop when it's level and this
makes it much easier when you're doing this repetitively some of these features that I'll tell you for a new operator
it's nice to turn them off so you know how to do it manually now for Reverse I'm looking I got a backup camera in
this I've got mirrors like it would in the car and it's also good to look over your shoulder I'm gonna back up just far
enough to bring this down neutral and bring this back down now again if I did
that return to dig it actually holds that blade angle bring it down and I'm
going to open just a hair more sometimes I'll go down I'll touch the ground cuz you can't see the bottom of
the bucket but I can feel a touch and if I know that I raised up so that was kind of the wrong way to do it because you
don't just go in and curl a bucket you're not gonna get a really full scoop of anything there's really the way to do
it now I'm in there now a couple of things first of all you do not want to spin your tires especially if you don't
own that machine you're putting a lot of undue wears Oh anytime you're spinning those tires you're you're wearing down
on the outside of those tires are expensive tires and it really doesn't do me any good it creates divots holes there so mosa will have a traction
control so we actually honor come on so we have it on auto traction I can set it to a lower setting because mine will if
you see this right now they will you see I can start spinning them like that so it's it will happen if I don't change a
setting but for an operator you just need to manage that I'm kind of looking you can feel it now the real way to get
a full bucket though is kind of three motions at the same time while you're driving into it I'm gonna start pulling
back on that boom you want to raise that up in there what's that that's doing two things one its forward motion into the
pile but more importantly the action of pulling the boom back and raising it up is actually putting downward pressure on
my front axle my front tires so that's gonna even give me a little bit more traction to go into that so at the very
end then usually up around my steering you know dashboard steering wheel that's when I curl it and you should get a really full bucket so if I start giving
them watching my tires and as I'm going up now I'm starting to curl it as well
and I'm driving in there and you'll see how much more I got it's coming off the
back again same thing I'm gonna back up
now while you're backing up this is where you also need to look at your
height you know you want to be low and tight to the ground the machines are
very unstable at a high and any kind of height now that I'm back there but I can see how much more and I'm bringing it
down so I can see over you will lose a little bit of material you see if you open it too much but it's curled all the way right now drive that around once
so now what you want to do for dumping
you want to try and so as I go forward here I'm gonna try am I'm gonna start raising the boom so I'm pulling back on
my right hand here now ideally you want to be lined up straight in line that's where your most
stable so as I come around here I'm going to jube goes straight my machine back out so I'm basically in line I'm
going to my tires are touching the base raising it up here you'll notice how that auto level has been curling that
bucket away from me again that's a good thing keep doing that otherwise you have the risk of dumping everything over the
back of that as I raise it up then now I'm good I will start to dump it right
there after I dump again and if you have
stinky materials sometimes you can adjust a little bit to get that material out but after that either return to dig
here or I'll just do it manually this time I'm just gonna curl it it does never really hurt to curl it all the way
it'll stop on its own but that way you know it's closed and I'm gonna back up
as I'm backing up looking where I'm going to my backup camera I'm bringing
that back down low and tight to the ground go around we'll do one more scoop
we'll do one more and I'll kind of show you though what not to do same thing as
I'm going up opening that bringing it down
driving in trying to avoid spinning those tires which can be tough I'm in a
sand environment so it's really tough to get traction curling that up raising it
right there now a couple things here it's important to stay this way low and
tight I've got a loaded bucket here if I pull this back what you don't want to do if I keep raising it up and I'm trying
to back up you'll see I'm very top-heavy right now you'll see how the whole machine is swaying I definitely don't
want to hit reverse too much here it's all about knowing your center of gravity wheel loaders are extremely top-heavy
you do not want to have that all that weight up high you want to be down low so that's why it's very important as
you're coming back you're bringing this down anytime you can be below your
dashboard that's gonna be a fairly safe place where you're very machines very stable but what you don't want to do is
have that thing WEP and the sky driving around there so now to get this loaded
bucket here I will tell you this and I think I've sent us the other videos there is no video you're gonna watch
there's no class you're gonna take to become really good at getting these full scoops without spinning tires things
like that it's all steep it's a seat time get in there get stick time practice that's really what you need to
do I'm gonna pull this back so the same thing when I talk about being careful when you're up high if I Drive forward
here and I'm trying to you know I tires start driving up this mound it is really easy you'll see right there
again knowing my center of gravity where my machine is because the machine is not
as stable when I'm like this so if I turn it like that my entire machine is kind of pivoting to the right this is
why it's important not to let the tires drive up try and stay flat and I'm gonna dump this right here
perfect and we'll do reverse and I start backing up
bring this down I'll stop right there bring it down and
putting it in park lock lever there perfect so that's the end of our basic
controls the 101 series we'll go into more skills in the next segment okay so
Advanced Skills
this next is we're calling it advanced skills 201 you know a little bit just
going over our basic controls already I think just going over some other pieces there the biggest thing I'm really
showing and I just want to go over it a little bit again is how to get that full scoop and also the traction control
pieces in there the thing I do want to go over to is shifting know so the
Komatsu there's a switch on this side that I can switch and I can do my gear
shifting with the joystick which is a little bit easier if you have knowing a
lot of it's knowing your machine what switches do what cuz if I try and use my shifter on there because that's engaged
it beeps at me so you have to kind of understand which one is set on there but
I do think for an operator once you're good that you've kind of got the hand
you know which does what I do think using your thumb controls probably a little bit easier that way you don't - go take your hand off that steering nob
at all everything that we controlled there now coming up here and again we
have really this I actually say we have a good training environment and sand
because it's the worst of the worst to scoop in because it's just really tough
to get your turn your tires are going to want to spin and that's for an operator that's really bad you don't want that
but going into it just a few things there is you want to make sure that
you've got that bucket flat to the ground what normally will happen here is if you have that bucket down too much
even just a little bit what happens is you end up digging in here and I end up
creating a trench and then what happens is now my tire is going to go into that
trench so now I'm down in it I keep loading my bucket here
that's the toughest part for a new operator as you see I just created a big trench there just by having that off as
you're kind of creating that slope or that grade so that's a piece we're knowing come forward here
so making sure that your bucket is flat to the ground otherwise if you have that
go under you know into that breaks the surface level it's really tough for the next operator whoever's on that pile
especially if it's a if we're looking a big pile of gravel whatever it is you're loading a lot of times that's gonna be
on top of black dirt or whatever it is there and you if it's a soft material you do not want to mix it you don't want
to combine the two so again keeping that as solid as you can and knowing what
your tires are gonna drive over but I can't the other pieces to that are important so I kind of drive into that
this is where it's really you start feeling that you're gonna feel like I can start to feel my tires starting to
spin but then pulling back on that when you pull back on that on a normal hard pack surface that's gonna give bring all
that weight down on your front which is hopefully gonna give you better traction now again with our sand it kind of spins
a little bit but it does help me a little bit pull that all the way up and I'm moving all the way in and then I'm
getting a full bucket for this it's all about if you're loading trucks or whatnot
you want to maximize that load we have a three-yard bucket on here that's probably a pretty common but the quicker
you can do this and then the more efficient if you're getting a full bucket the better it's gonna be you're gonna be a lot more productive so that's
why making sure you have a nice full bucket you're not doing you're keeping the ground as clean as possible
now I'm gonna dump this
right at the base now the other piece I want to go over is
floating the blade so this is while wheel loaders are not great for grading
just because you've got those you're on four tires you know anytime a wheeled
machine you're putting all that weight on for it is--there's to smooth things out it's often you can back drag
somewhere what you're doing a dozer or a skid steer now there's two different ways to do this first of all you set it
down flat to the ground and then what
you're trying to do is flatten the bucket to there and then for most come
the Komatsu machine guys take that right joystick and I go all the way forward with it and it locks it forward this is very similar to like a skid steer a lot
of machines will do the same thing now I can still go right or left with it if I did want to open or close it but I basically disengaged the boom cylinder
now you never want to go forward with it like this but reverse then I can go backwards here and this would smooth out
my material in front now that's flat the
other thing you can do is if you have this bucket fully loaded you're adding all that weight to really compact it
down now at the end of these you kind of pull it you don't necessarily raise it all the way up if you have a pile of dirt behind there you don't want to just
leave a pile there so it's kind of dragging it out now I raise it I took it out of float just by pulling back on that that's one way to do it the other
way if it's a really rough area is using the bottom where I can see the back of
the blade so if I open my bucket at about a 45 you don't necessarily all the way in you want to try and keep it I
would say about a 45 slope but I want to be able to see behind it I'm setting that down same thing now though I'm
gonna disengage and I'm floating the blade so I can see behind it and now again I will start my reverse this will
actually take a load of material behind so it's almost like a dozer blade where you're carrying if you need to fill in
any holes important to look where you're going while you're backing again great thing about come out so you have a backup camera right there so I can see
but you see how this will smooth things out and at the end of this this is more
important to not just pull the blade because otherwise I'll leave a big pile I'm gonna take it out of float so I
popped it out and I'm gonna keep backing up and I'm just gonna raise it just a little bit and you're trying to let this
just drag out on its own till the blade is kind of hanging up in the air so now my blade I made a pretty
smooth there it's up in the air and now I'm good so those are two ways you can float the blade the other you can use
that same concept a little bit with I'll show you how to look if you're trying to
spread material
so really two ways to do this generally from working with a fairly flat surface
I'd rather spread going in Reverse just because if you try and spread going forward show you that a little bit
you're gonna end up driving over it and you're not gonna get a smooth so right here if I raise this I usually like to
raise it high enough to where I can see and you just start you see how it started falling out and sometimes just
kind of shaking that a little bit to let that material spread out sometimes
shaking and depending on how much material you have shaking it open shaken and closed either way but you'll see all
my tires go over that because it's not smoothed out I was the way I think it's easier is to go backwards with it and
I'm backing up I'm watching where I'm going and I'm just trying to lay it
somewhat evenly knowing how much material I'm trying to lay now the only
benefit to doing this in forward is at the end of that I'd be able to basically
drop that thing and back right over it so if I were to spread that happen to
have a lot on this part here and go all the way forward you can feel how I'll go over all this this is the probably the
biggest challenge and again loaders are not great for spreading material they're not designed a really great no mainly
you can't it's a fixed blade or a fixed bucket they don't pivot at all so this
is not something you generally want to use but now if I roll that blade up I can try and cut through all that and
smooth it out while I'm going over but you see how my machine is going up and down over those watching where I'm going
but I will basically grab that material and then I'm gonna raise it up while I'm
spreading it
and I think that's a perfect example of how this machine's not great at grading
and he'll even feel worse if you try and scoop if I try and drag this along generally what will happen is you're
gonna scrape right down into the ground like that so it's just not a great machine they're usually designed to move
material right up in to either loading a dump truck that's really what the ideal
is for one of the loaders so I'm gonna dump what I have left here
so that's some extra techniques with loading or I'm sorry with filling the bucket and then also with using the
float now what I wanted to go over is the accessories basically changing out to put forks whatnot most machines most
wheel loaders back up I would say not all of them do but a lot um will have a quick attach similar to a skid steer
where you can put different accessories on it you know I'd probably say one of the more common ones is Forks but you can also put big snow blades on there to
push a lot of things like that typically you're gonna have this hydraulic controlled and what I mean by that is
are gonna be a switch in the cab there is some systems if you have to actually go out manually and do it it's not quite
as easy but what you can do if I open I can see right now there's a hydraulic cylinder behind I can see it pushed out
my pin so right now they're secured and you can always verify I would have seen this an issue earlier with this now to
change this out I have a quick release right here so you have to curl it all the way in am in neutral right now so
curled all the way up and I hold that it's gonna beep and this is regula I go all the way to the left with my right
joystick and give it some throttle to make sure the hydraulic has enough pressure to pull it out and then I'm
just rolling it to set down
throwing it into reverse now you'll see
I have just two pins that are basically well first of all it hooks any accessory
will hook on the top like that and then you can see where I have and this also
is a grease point that a lot of people might miss is those two pin cylinders so if you really tough to kind of see here
I can see it perfectly but this is if you don't know I always tell people get that bucket off and get this right in
front of you and you can roll this so if I hold that in right now right there so
right now it's actually the pins are out so I can actually see the silver if I now I can see them going in and you can
see them pushing all the way in to know they're the pins are closed so that's a good way to check the machine without it
on there it's really easy to see and then if I hold this it'll retract out
so now once you go up here now if I want to attach forks I've got those there
you're gonna roll that bucket you don't want to go into it with this thing curled all the way up you need to
remember you're just trying to hook two points there so you want that bucket open no I'd say at about a 45 because
you're gonna kind of roll those pins right in or the connections right in there the hooks so I'm coming in
lowering it and then as gentle as possible you're trying to just hook once
you have those two hooks on there then I'm just raising it and I can try and start curling at the same time now
that's there if I wasn't retracted sometimes the pins may have gone back I like to make sure they're well first of
all put it in neutral I've seen that too where you hit the throttle too to do that and you might make that thing fall
in so I'd go ahead and hold that and I make sure as you can see one of the pins
partially will go back in but you saw that drop down more so ideal you want to have that retracted hole way before you
go in there but now that I knew it drop in there now I take my finger off that release and now I'm just holding that
giving it some throttle here and that'll put the pins back out usually you'll be able to see it I can see the cylinders
there I can see where they pushed it out so I can I have a visual indicator but I always recommend checking as well and
that's just by if you roll this if I have the bucket or anything else Forks if you just after it's attached there if
you roll it away put a little bit of downward pressure if it wasn't secured it's gonna pop right off so that way you
know now I've got Forks on the machine so
I'll just you know what little go talk about a little bit about using the forks
okay for us here well you'll have a lot of different things you move for us we use junk cars couple of things may not
immenseness when i swap out most machines will have a switch to basically
between bucket and forks really just adjust the kick out and what it's when
you're raising it what that's doing so again it's a it's not that important if
you don't have it but that's there's a switch here that you generally want to switch to your Forks when you're switching there now anytime you know we
talked a little bit of us in our gravity earlier especially the wheel loader is knowing where your center point is on
this machine typically it's gonna be near this steering comments but it moves as you turn that's also important knowing what
you're picking up so for us you know I've got a minivan here I'm watching my Forks now this is important to you know
wheelers because they're larger machines anything but Forks it can be tough to see those Forks but you're under you're trying to not let them dig in
again guide them in it can be tough if you're moving piloted things or you know
it's not forklifts are more designed to have better visibility of this wheel
loaders can usually pick up more but because there's such way that boom arm is it can be tough to see but knowing
I'm picking up let's say a car here I know the weight on this is in the front with the engine so I'm getting up there
and then I just slowly roll this now after I have it there I'm curling that
bucket in a little bit and I can see how it's tilting just a little bit but that
way I'm holding this right there now if I pull back again that auto level is gonna keep that at that height but this
is where it's extremely important to understand your weight your balance anything higher it's it's no different
than having a dirt bucket if you have a bunch of load over your dashboard over your head you're gonna get in trouble
that's where these machines can be very you know the top-heavy so I'm gonna keep it at this height or lower and I'm just
trying to make sure I have everything you know down reasonably to the ground where I'm not dragging it and I'll bring
this back and I'm gonna set it back down this also is where when you can't see
your Forks similar to how we talked about on the top of the bucket you can see the the blade angle fork on Forks
that whole frame right there assembly you can kind of look if you understand look at the top bar and that I know
matches my forks so I know if I can see that I'm gonna see if they're tilting
down or up either way and then as I'm going I'm trying not to drag it there
watching where I'm backing up
and then we'll go back and we will switch it back to a dirt bucket
everyone so that's the end of our more advanced 201 training session now we'll
go into what the parking and end of shift procedures are so at the end of
Parking Procedure
shift and couple of things we're gonna find whatever wherever we're parking it we want to get the bucket flat so you
want to try and have that where it's flat to the ground that I'm going to set it down gently so the bottom of that bucket is resting on the ground right
there after that you're gonna do your lock o levers parking brake I want to see a solid red parking brake on there
that way I know I'm not going anywhere and then before I shut the Machine down I usually these things do not need they
don't want them to idle that much the newer machine the newer tier 4 with the emission controls so well basically it's
30 seconds it's fine but I am looking at my gauges obviously you're gonna want to fill it up if you need any diesel
exhaust fluid it's always good at the end of the shift to make sure that you're all set for the next day so I'm
making any notes any of that look good there turn it off now what's important
here is you know some of the little details at the end of a shift it's not just jump out lock it you know head out
for the day first of all cleaning your equipment you know take pride in your equipment if you don't own it it's something that someone
else is paying for but otherwise if you're also sharing the equipment it's something that you know if someone else is gonna get in that equipment they want
to see you respect your you're caring you don't leave I want your trash in so looking around may treat any trash and
then we usually sweep out our machines soon we keep a broom in them again when
you're getting out making sure that door locks open coming out and then we
normally have we'll have a little hand broom or something here to sweep those out so they're nice and clean
three points contact coming all the way down securing that after that after
you've secured that and I'm also making sure the windows are locked things like that I always like to do a quick walk
around on my equipment as well just to make sure that there's no new damage if you obviously if something happened
during your shift you're gonna want to report it but we want to look at anything going around the machine to see if we see anything obvious to the
machine that we might need to address but everything on this machine looks good everyone so that is the end of our
complete wheel loader training video hopefully that was helpful for you we do
have other videos on our YouTube channel that breaks it down into different segments but I hope you enjoyed this video thanks a lot for watching
English (auto-generated)


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