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Showing posts from December, 2023

How I spent my Tithe (Controversy and understanding)

INTRO           Tithe is bringing one tenth of every of your increase to the house of God. And to my understanding, it is making sure 10% of your profit is not used for yourself but is given out to bless others.  How I Spent my Tithe Out of the 10% tithe, I pay 5% to church and the remaining 5% to bless family, friends and strangers who come to ask me for money or who I felt needed assistance. The remaining 90% of my profit is solely mine to spend and make use of. One of the reasons I don't pay all the 10% to church is because the church are not explicit about the amount of tithe they get or even how they spent it. Of course I know my church needs running cost like fuel, lightning, designs, furnishings and to pay some certain workers and that's why I set aside the 5% for them. But the truth is that I hardly see my church blessing the poor or the needy with this money which is the fundamental reason why God told us to pay it.  UNDERSTANDING TITHE Your tithe is 10% of your increa

Plots after Dangote Rifinery Ibeju-Lekki - #4m

It is no news again that the Ibeju Lekki axis 📍has become the new economic hub of Africa with the presence of the refinery 🏭, newly commissioned Lagos deep seaport 🚢 🛳, and the free trade zone that accommodates many industries creating jobs and an economic boom in the country. ☺️ You can never get it wrong when you have a sit around this goldmine 💎 as we introduce to you our Rehoboth Park & Gardens Phase 4 (Wura & Fadaka Estate). 🥳 The estate is located after Dangote Refinery, Off Ibeju Lekki - Ise Road, Ode - Omi, Ogun Waterside Local Government Area, Ogun State. 📍 PLOT SIZE: 500sqm 📐 ACTUAL PRICE: N8,000,000 PROMO PRICE: N4,000,000 For property Inspection and Purchase: ☎️+2348030939040 Email us: #ortintinhomes #adronhomes


SPIRITS OF ACCUSATION AND CONDEMNATION.  Accusation and Condemnation are some of the most traumatizing experiences your soul could ever go through. Whether the accusation is legitimate or unfounded, the damage it causes on the inside is devastating.  If you've been through it, then you know exactly what I am talking about. It feels like someone has hit you to the mud and pressed you into the ground so that you will never rise again. And there are spirits, evil spirits that are in charge of these evil works.  Accusation and Condemnation are some of the primary reasons why destinies are aborted, if one does not overcome the traumatizing experience. But we have an Attorney in Heaven, even Christ Jesus. He stands before the Judge of all things and defends us based on our trust in His Blood.  And His Blood testifies on our behalf against the spirit of accusation in the heavens and on the earth. The spirit of accusation operates under the governance of satan who is the accuser of the bre

Eleko Eko City Parks and Garden Estate in Ibeju Lekki Beside Alaro City - #30m

It’s no news again that the Lekki deep Seaport and the Dangote Refinery has commenced operation and you all our esteemed and prospective buyers know what that means for our estates in that axis. Eko City Park and Gardens is the future of real estate development in Lagos Nigeria. It has been projected to be the best place to live in Nigeria with the presence of the proposed International Airport in Lekki Epe, the Dangote refinery in Ibeju Lekki, and other businesses targeting this location, Eko City is surely the new Lagos economic hub and attraction. Adron Homes has carefully situated this estate along the Lekki Epe expressway close to Alaro City and construction has commenced already. This is an economic reformation of history in the real estate sector in the process. ESTATE LOCATION LEKKI EPE EXPRESSWAY LAGOS PRICE PER PLOT N30,000,000 PROMO PRICE AND PAYMENT PLAN N15,000,000 (48 Months) For property Inspection and Purchase: ☎️+2348030939040 Email us: #ortinti


1. Father, I want to thank you for the gift of another week, by the power of the Holy Spirit, I declare that I have dominion over the week, in Jesus’ name. Like sheep they are laid in the grave; death shall feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their beauty shall consume in the grave from their dwelling. (Psalm 49:14, KJV) 2. I declare that this week is yielding for me her increase and best, in the name of Jesus. Yea, the LORD shall give that which is good; and our land shall yield her increase. (Psalm 85:12, KJV) 3. I ask Lord that you lead me in the path of peace and of righteousness this week, in Jesus’ name. Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth. (Jeremiah 33:6, KJV) 4. I ask for the leading of your Spirit Lord this week, may my path be flooded with lights from heaven, light above the brightness of the sun for direction and guidance, in Jesus’ name. O send ou


“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” In the Shepherd’s arms, we are in the care of the One who takes care of everything. The with-God life is a life without want. It’s only the God with us life that gives us a life of abundance. Rest today in your Shepherd’s arms: “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD Forever.” Psalm 23


I felt God lay this on my heart a few weeks back, and can I admit it’s been transformational?  I felt impressed to simply pray the words of Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” And friends, it’s been powerful. I’ve found myself confronted with my own sinfulness that I hadn’t even seen was there. I’ve seen God transform my heart in ways I didn’t even know were possible.  The truth is, I have no power to change myself. I have no ability to heal my heart or my desires or my sinful tendencies.  So I just want to extend this to you—try saying this prayer even once a day for the next thirty days. I promise you, even if you prayed nothing else, your life would be changed 🙏🏻


"In Him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His Will" Ephesians 1:11 NIV The Voice Version says "We stand to inherit even more. As His heirs, we are predestined to play a key role in His unfolding Purpose that is energizing everything to conform to His Will" Ephesians 1:11 ❤️ As brethren, we are fiercely loved, blessed, chosen, accepted, adopted, forgiven, and redeemed.  To thrive, we need to know this is who we are in Christ.  We belong exclusively to God, our Heavenly Father Who created us to be in a loving, thriving, interactive relationship with Him.  We don't belong to this world but our ministry is tied to bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to this lost and dying world.  We each have been given gifts and talents to accomplish this in our own creative, God-inspired.  Praying for each of us (including myself) to not be afraid today (or bury our talents) in re


When the 12 spies went to spy out the land of Canaan, they said in Numbers 13:33,   “And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them." Isn’t it interesting that they saw themselves as grasshoppers and that caused the giants of the land to see them that way too? Your self-perception is very important.  You may be feeling like you are worthless, nobody, that you can’t do the things God is calling you to do.  That kind of mindset will always bring failure and keep you in that loop.  It’s time to break free from that mindset!  You are a child of the king of the universe!  You are more than a conqueror through Him! You are loved, forgiven, and set free.  You are a warrior in His Army, a member of His body, a vessel for His honor!  Those Giants should be shaking in their boots because the Living God lives. inside. you! Say to yourself this morning...  I am who God says I am! I am more th


As you journey in the new week,  The Lord says, "The enemy had planned shame, dishonor, and disgrace against you.  But I have stopped it. This weapon will not work. Anyone who rises to accuse you will be dismissed as a liar.  Every tongue that rises against you in judgment, you shall condemn. Cases against you will be dismissed.  This is your goodly heritage as My servant, and your righteousness is from Me.  And the effect of this righteousness will be peace, and the result of this righteousness will be quietness and confident trust forever.  You are Mine, and you will live in a peaceful surrounding, in a secure dwelling and an undisturbed resting place, with no one to make you afraid. And instead of the planned shame, you will enjoy a double portion of honor.  In every place where you have ever suffered shame and disgrace, I will also give you praise and fame, because I created you to bring Me glory. Behold, My Word is a lamp unto your feet and a light upon your paths. And as you


"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."  Isaiah 40:31 NIV No matter what is going on in your life right now, remember the Lord already walked through your 'today' yesterday. And He has already experienced your 'tomorrow' as if it were today.  Nothing that comes your way will surprise Him or catch Him off guard!  He promises He will never leave you nor forsake you!  You don't have to fear that you are alone or have to face something by yourself!  And if you have already been dealing with much and it feels like your strength is about to give out, be kind to yourself by not fretting over the future.  I know for myself that when I'm overwhelmed, it can be harder to keep my faith and perspective and I can quickly melt down if it seems like one more thing is coming my way.  I love God's promise in Deuteronomy 31:8: "Do not be a


After our morning devotion this morning, my little girl asked me to turn “Yeshua” on so she could worship and dance.  She raised her hands in worship and started to sway her body to the sound of the music. I felt the presence of the Lord just as she began to dance.  I started to walk into the other room because my eyes were getting teary and I didn’t want to distract her.  As I was walking away, I had a vision of Jesus watching her worship Him.  Then I heard Him say “tell Shekinah-glory that I am watching her as she worships”.  So I did.  Her response was simple but so amazing.  Her response was, “yeah, I know He is.”  The simplicity and “unshocked” response was so beautiful because she is so accustomed to the reality of God and His presence.  We were made to worship.  Psalm 150:6 📖  “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!”


SPIRITUAL COFFEE FOR YOUR MORNING We are held accountable  for the things we say and do today,  but we are also held accountable  for the things, we don’t say and do.   How many times  do you get in bed  and just feel happy  to have made it through the day?   We’re so busy.   So stressed.   There’s more to your life  than just getting through the day.   As believers,  we need to look for opportunities  throughout our day, during our many activities,  to speak life, to speak love,  to speak healing,  and to speak encouragement  in the peoples’ lives we come in contact with. Be aware.   Be intentional.   Be willing to act when those opportunities arise.   If we are focused on God,  and asking Him to place people in our path,  He will do it.   Sometimes, we don’t see the opportunities because we aren’t looking.   We aren’t being intentional.   Other times, we pass up the opportunities  He gives us to speak to someone  or to do a small act of kindness for someone because we are shy, busy,


SPIRITUAL COFFEE FOR YOUR MORNING Isaiah 43:19 Amplified Bible (AMP) “Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert. ( Let this be your declaration this morning.) Heavenly Father, Every new day, I am expectant, open, receptive, and responsive to Your new mercies. Because of Your mercies that are new every morning, I am not consumed by the fire and the floods. Your compassion, Your mercies, new every morning, preserve me! That's the only reason why I'm still here! I acknowledge that this new day is Your gift to me and I choose to rejoice and be glad in it. I thank You for today. Brand New day, full of Your Promise and Love. As I go through this day, I am expectant of the new thing you're doing today. A brand new thing in every area of my life, brand new things through which you are elevating me from glory to glory and from strength to strength.  Because You


SPIRITUAL COFFEE FOR YOUR MORNING (“Forget Not His Benefits”) Psalm 103 is a psalm of pure worship. Unlike most of David’s psalms, there are no petitions for help or cries for deliverance.  David just focuses on the Lord and His great blessings and overflows in worship. When you read the whole chapter and meditate on it, you will see that you have so much to be thankful for! My favorite verses are 2-5. It is super powerful: “Bless the Lord, O my soul, ✅And forget not all His benefits: ✅Who forgives all my iniquities, ✅Who heals all my diseases, ✅Who redeems my life from destruction, ✅Who crowns me with loving kindness and tender mercies, ✅Who satisfies my mouth with good things, ✅So that my youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” Those verses start off with David telling his soul to bless the Lord and to forget not His benefits.  When you remind yourself of what God has done and what He is doing presently in your life, it produces thankfulness.  David is reminding himself that God is a For


SPIRITUAL COFFEE FOR YOUR MORNING  Life is not predictable.  There are ups and downs along the way. Many of us want to trust God.  When times are good, it can feel easier.  But when times feel difficult, it is even more important to trust God.  God’s unchanging character can give us a firm foundation when things feel unsteady and uncertain. Are you feeling discouraged today?  take time to remember His word for you. If you're walking through loss and heartbreak, remember that God is near to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18) If you've been abandoned by those who should have been there, remember that nothing will separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:38-39) If you're feeling unwanted or unloved, remember that it is because of God's great love that you have been saved and adopted into his family (Ephesians 2:4-6, Romans 8:15-17) If you're facing the lingering consequences of past sin, remember that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ


SPIRITUAL COFFEE FOR YOUR MORNING (Let this be your declaration) How can ANYONE curse those God has blessed?  How can ANYONE condemn those whom the Lord has not condemned?  God has called me into blessing and because of His finished work at the Cross on my behalf, and the Blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses me and speaks better things concerning me, every curse is causeless and of no effect! God has blessed me and His Word is final, it cannot be reversed! No misfortune is in His plan for me. No trouble is in store for me. No curse can touch me. No magic or witchcraft has any power against me. For now, it will be said of me, "What wonders God has done!" I rise like a lioness right now, like a majestic lion rousing itself. I refuse to rest until I have enjoyed the fullness of all God created me for and created for me! No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper! I silence every tongue rising against me in judgment!  No evil will come near me. No plague will come near my home a

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