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Although majority of the animals below might not be effective in some areas like dogs but some of them are useful in areas like alerting when there is intruder and some chasing away intruders completely because of their wildness.

Below are eight animals used as guards or pets in place of dogs

7. llama

A guard llama is a llama, guanaco, alpaca or hybrid that is used in farming to protect sheep , goats, hens or other livestock from coyotes , dogs , foxes and other predators.

In the past, a single gelded (castrated) male was recommended. In more recent years it has been discovered that single, unbred females make better and safer guardians. Guard llamas may defend against predators in many ways. Llamas are instinctively alert and aware of their surroundings, and may draw attention to an intruder by making a startling alarm call that sounds like a rusty hinge. They may walk or run toward an intruder, and chase or kick or spit at it.

6. Guinea fowl 

If you need an animal to guard your garden 24/7 efficiently. That is guinea fowl, also known as pet speckled hen. They look a bit peculiar – once seen, never forgotten. They are also very loud. When spotting an intruder in their territory, they will immediately make loud alerts. Guinea fowl has been known to scare off rodents, cats and ferrets.

5. Donkeys

Donkeys are good guard animals. Guard donkeys are more accepted by the public for livestock protection than poisons. Under certain conditions, they provide around-the- clock protection against predators and other pasture intruders. Donkeys can be very aggressive and territorial. They are naturally hostile toward dogs, foxes, coyotes, and bobcats—which makes donkeys excellent guards for livestock. 

When threatened, a donkey will bray loudly and launch aggressive attacks with its teeth and hooves toward every part of the enemy’s body. A charging guard donkey is very dangerous, even to its owners.

4. Alligators

Drug dealers are known to use aggressive animals to protect their stash from criminals. Pit bulls used to be the animals of choice, but several drug dealers seem to be switching to alligators. Though the animals is not a wise choice and cannot be tamed. The creature only comport when they see food. 

3. Wolves

Residents of some villages in Kazakhstan are using domesticated wolves to protect themselves and their properties from wild wolves. The villagers are buying the wolf cubs for around $500 and breeding them into adulthood.

The guard wolves are treated like dogs. Some are even allowed to freely roam around the properties of their owners. One person said that wolves are calm animals and will never attack their owners as long as they are fed. 

2. Geese

Geese can make excellent "watchdogs" or guards. Geese are loud and quick to respond when they hear the slightest questionable noise. Geese naturally understand, without any training, that any people and animals living on the property are part of their flock.

Geese have many instinctive traits that make them better guards than either humans or dogs, and all without any special training.

They have better eyesight—both near and far—than we do. This allows them to pick out strange movements, no matter how small. 

Unlike dogs, geese are difficult to bribe. Give them a treat, and geese will make very loud noises in excitement.

They have been used as a low-tech security solution for centuries, and are still used to protect police stations in China and to patrol prison yards in Brazil.

1. Crocodile

A 'vegetarian' crocodile named Babiya guards a temple in Kerala. It is said to be friendly enough to share the pond with the priests who sometimes take a dip there. Babiya often visits another pond near the temple complex and returns after spending some time there.

Similarly, Budi Waseso, the head of Indonesia’s antidrug campaign revealed that his country was planning to build an island prison that would be guarded by crocodiles. The prison would hold drug convicts on death row. Waseso said they settled for crocodiles because they could not be bribed like humans. To ensure that the crocodiles were effective, he promised to get the biggest ones available. Though the plan was criticized and stopped. 


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